So it has been over 3 weeks since I wrote my last post!
When I started this blog I said to myself "I will write on my blog daily if I can but most certainly weekly". Just like all of my new ideas the resolve faded!
I am very angry with myself that I haven't carried on writing on my blog and I have decided that for 5 minutes every day I am going to write something on here, even if it is utter rubbish!
So over the past few weeks all I have been doing is finishing my dating article for my third assignment and now trying to find suitable markets for some readers letter!
I feel that I have slowed right down with my writing but now that my Internet is working properly I am hoping I will be in full swing over Christmas - considering all of my Christmas shopping is finished!
Till tomorrow
Hello to all who visit my blog. This is the first blog I have ever written and the reason behind me wanting to start my own blog is to inform people how I am getting on with my writing course, to air my opinions and to improve my writing. Any comment or advice left would be deeply appreciated.